
More keys, and a trip to Planet Dumpster

Maple keys, Victoria Park, Kitchener

So enamored am I of Darin White's macro-on-the-cheap solution for BlackBerry that I couldn't resist a lunch-hour photo excursion through downtown Kitchener today. Not only can you find plenty to shoot when you get up close and personal with your surroundings, but it's also good fun to make oneself the object of quizzical, if not mildly alarmed, stares from passers-by. Of course, having the audacity to ride a bicycle on a moderately busy street can draw the same looks in this town, but I digress. Like I said in my last post, 'aberration' is a word of multi-layered meaning.

Speaking of multi-layered, I had the happy accident of discovering another set of keys to shoot today, these ones of the organic maple variety. Like the metal ones I shot the other day, these were just lying there, not doing much of anything, when I moved in with my 9900. Aside from the amazing web of veins, I like the potential suggested by maple keys, even if only a few manage to become trees.

Planet Dumpster, Joseph Street, Kitchener

I also encountered a decidedly inorganic object on my walk, a graffiti-festooned garbage bin behind an insurance building. The great thing about the macro, however, is how close you have to move in to find focus, and by then, the object often looks like something else entirely. In the case of the dumpster, it looked to me like a Google satellite view of some unexplored planet...or perhaps some badly-polluted corner of our own.

1 comment:

  1. Love the translucent quality of the top key. Great capture, Tony.

